8 Incredible Health Benefits of Using Copper Bathtubs & Sinks
Bathtubs and sinks are essential parts of all bathrooms. Be it a small second bathroom or a grand palatial master bathroom, the right bath accessories and fittings can transform the room from a mere utility area to a zone of relaxation and rejuvenation.
While bathtubs and sinks are available in endless materials – ceramic, stainless steel, glass and even wood, copper is a highly sought-after premium material that is the perfect choice for your bathrooms if you’re looking for a life-long investment with incredible health benefits.
Known for its beauty and malleability, copper is one of the top materials that are the best choice for your bathrooms. Copper adds warmth and beauty, and is a great addition to all interior styles – contemporary, rustic, traditional, vintage or modern.
In this post, Decorcera one of the top copper bathtubs suppliers in the UK, walk you through the incredible reasons to use this premium material in your bathroom.
The Science behind using Copper
Copper is an ancient metal that has been used for centuries. It has awesome natural properties that make it a great choice for bathroom fittings. It’s naturally resistant to moulds, fungi, bacteria, viruses, algae and other harmful microorganisms present in water.
Copper is one of the key trace minerals that plays a key role in ensuring healthy body and mind. It’s anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic and helps to neutralise toxins in water.
As per Ayurveda (the ancient Indian medical practice), drinking or bathing in copper enriched water on empty stomach helps to balance all three doshas (Pitta, Vata and Kapha) in the body. Balancing the doshas is essential to the proper functioning of all body organs and to ensure that our metabolism is steady.
Top Reasons to Use Copper Bathtubs & Kitchens
Now, let’s take a look at the top benefits of using copper in the bathroom:
1. Natural Spa Therapy
Copper is well-known for its intensive healing properties. Taking a soak in water enriched with copper accelerates the natural healing mechanism in your body, and helps to heal and repair the damaged cells. We recommend that you fill your copper bathtub with warm water 4 to 5 hours before you take a bath. This allows the natural elements in copper to leach into your bath water, giving you an awesome spa therapy right at home.
2. Reverse Ageing
Copper is a very good anti-oxidant. It helps in cell regeneration, fights free radicals and prevents the formation of wrinkles. Regular baths in a copper tub can keep your skin looking young and wrinkle-fr
3. Reduce Stress
Hypertension and stress are two of the biggest worries in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. Studies reveal that copper has the ability to lower blood pressure, reduce the heart rate and relieve stress.
4. Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Copper’s strong anti-oxidant properties help in fighting free radicals and negating their effects. Free radicals are one of the main reasons for cancerous growth and removing them helps in reducing the risk of cancer.
5. Protect yourself from Viral and Bacterial Infections
In the post Covid-19 era, protecting yourself from infections is top priority. Copper is oligodynamic in nature, meaning it can easily destroy bacteria, viruses and other harmful pathogens. A bath in water kept in a copper tub can help you keep infections at bay.
6. Regulate the Functioning of the Thyroid Glands
Medical professionals believe that one of the primary reasons for thyroid diseases is the low levels of copper in one’s body. Drinking water stored in copper canisters and taking bath in copper tubs can help in regulating both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
7. Relieve Arthritis
Copper is the main constituent of melanin (the pigment present in your skin, hair and eyes). Soaking in copper-enriched water helps to boost the production of melanin, making your skin, hair and nails lustrous and glowing.
At Decorcera, we work with copper sheets almost every day. Our skilled artisans create versatile and timeless copper bathtubs, sinks and fixtures that are a great addition to your bathrooms. Relax, rejuvenate and refresh with a soothing soak in a copper bathtub. Get in touch with our team and we can deliver and install a customised copper bathtub suppliers in the UK, right at your home or anywhere else.